A recent study conducted by Neuro-Insight found that 74% of customers actively scan packaging while shopping, while 61% ignore the details, they don’t need. Our visual brain makes decisions based on what we see without even a second thought. This causes us to make quick decisions based on features like Color and shape, as well as a packaging design. If you’re a designer, you know how important it is to get your ideas off the page and into the real world. But what happens when the idea you want to bring to life isn’t ready for prime time? In this article, we’ll look at how biometric packaging design can help you prototype your packaging idea without spending thousands of dollars on manufacturing.
Biometric Packaging Design: The Basics
Biometric Products Packaging Design is a relatively new field that combines art with science to create unique and engaging packaging designs that work well with consumers’ eyes, ears, noses, fingers… you name it! The goal of biometric packaging design is to create products that are not only useful but also beautiful and easy to use.
The Science Behind Biometric Packaging Design
The science behind biometric packaging design comes from understanding how people interact with their environment—not just as consumers but also as humans who live in a complex world full of distractions. For example: Have you ever walked into a room full of people talking and had trouble finding where to sit? That’s because our senses constantly process data from our surroundings—whether we want them to! This means that even though
Communicate The Brand Essence
The packaging design for the product should be able to communicate the brand essence in a way that can be easily understood. The key here is to avoid creating something that looks like it came out of a machine. Instead, we want to create something that looks like it was created by a human hand. This will help your customers connect with the product and feel like they can relate to it more easily. You can also understand the valid packaging for your products.
You might think this is impossible because there are so many different options for what you can do with packaging design. But some basic principles can help you achieve this goal without much effort:
- Use imagery that has meaning to your target audience.
- Include photographs or illustrations of people using your product in everyday settings.
- Make sure all the information on your packaging matches what’s inside (or at least make sure there’s some correlation between them). If not, you will confuse consumers and make yourself look like an amateur!
Understand How the Consumer Experiences Your Brand
Consumers have an experienced world. They have seen a lot of packaging and know what works and doesn’t. How do we make sure that the packaging we design is effective?
We can look at our consumer’s eyes to see how they experience our brand.
We are all visual creatures and use our eyes to see, think, and make decisions. The first thing we see when opening a package is the logo, which is often the most expensive design part. If it is not appealing, does not relate to the product inside, or does not fit with your brand’s image, you will lose potential customers before they even enter their shopping cart.
The next thing consumers see when opening a package is its shape and size; this determines whether or not someone will buy your product over another similar product on the shelf. Consumers often choose products based on size since it’s easier to store items in smaller packages than larger ones; however, too big of a package can make shoppers feel like they’re being ripped off by paying for space within the container itself!
Capture And Convert Interest
You must create a unique selling proposition (USP) to capture your audience’s interest. Your USP should be something that makes you stand out from the crowd. It can be anything from a tagline or slogan to a solid visual element like an illustration or photo. The key is to be memorable and relevant for your brand.
Once you’ve captured their interest, you need to convert them into customers. This means ensuring their experience with your product is as positive as possible by providing them with all the information they need about its features and benefits and how much it costs.
You can also offer incentives such as free shipping or discounts on bulk orders if they buy more than one unit at once.
Final Note
It is encouraging to learn of the advancement’s designers are currently making to ensure a better and more enjoyable consumer experience with packaging. Customers relate logos with the products they buy, thus it creates a strong connection between brands inside their heads. What does all this mean? You better stand up and take notice if you’re trying to capture your consumer’s attention. What do you think of these innovations in packaging design? We would love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Feel free to leave a comment below.
Biometric —describe
Food items should look convincing to grab attention — informative point.